Tarot Reading · 18 January 2025

Perseverance and Energy

Perseverance and Energy

Perseverance and Energy

As I was shuffling the deck for today’s reading the Seven of Wands jumped out of the deck so I stopped shuffling and used that as an extra card to expand the reading.

The card I drew was the Knight of Pentacles.

The Seven of Wands talks of external obstacles and challenges to your success, the unexpected coming to throw you off track.

To overcome this the Seven of Wands guides you to be prepared to keep fighting for what you want and one of the best ways to do this is to plan out exactly what you do want, setting goals and most importantly of all, boundaries.

In conjunction with the Knight of Pentacles it warns against too much rashness and impulsivity which a characteristic of the Knight. Together they speak of using the creativity and energy that the Knight brings to a project to create a start that is based on solid planning and passion.

Overall a call to keep going with the energy and passion that you have for your projects/goals but with good planning, expectations, and boundaries.

The deck used is my favourite, The Tarot of the Sacred Rose.

If you’re interested in a personal reading I have readings open on a pay-what-you-want basis on Ko-Fi.

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