Tarot · 14 January 2025

Tarot Wish List

The Wild Unknown Tarot

The Wild Unknown Tarot

These are the decks I’m looking at getting, just listing them here so I’ve got a record of them. Will add a link if available.

Some for fun, some for their aesthetic quality, and some for the fact of collecting.

* The Alchemical Tarot of Marseilles
* Anima Mundi Tarot
* Anomina: Tarot of the Nameless
* Aquarian Tarot
* The Audacity Deck
* Autonomic Tarot
* Beauty of Bones Tarot
* Buckland Romani Tarot
* Chromatic Fates Tarot
* Crow Tarot
* The Cute Ghost Tarot
* Daniloff Tarot (2012)
* Deviant Moon Tarot
* Dreaming Way Tarot
* The Druid Craft Tarot
* Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
* Everyday Witch Tarot
* The Forager’s Daughter Tarot
* The Fountain Tarot
* Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
* Grunge Tarot
* The Hermetic Tarot
* The Ink Witch Tarot
* John Baur Tarot
* Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
* Light Seer’s Tarot
* Lucid Dreams Beginners Tarot
* Marziano Tarot
* The Modern Tarot Reader
* Morgan’s Tarot
* Mystical Medleys Tarot
* Occult Tarot
* Pagan Otherworlds Tarot
* Rebirth Tarot Deck
* Sakki Sakki Tarot
* Santa Muerte Tarot
* Shadowscapes Tarot
* The Star String Tarot
* Stranger Things Tarot Deck
* Stunning Tarot
* Sun and Moon Tarot
* Tarot of the Abyss
* The Tarot of the Divine
* Tarot of Mystical Moments
* Tarot of the Sorceress
* Tarot of the Toiling Hands
* Tarot Vintage
* Tazama African Tarot
* This Might Hurt Tarot
* Tinseltown Tarot
* The Vertigo Tarot
* Wild Unknown Tarot
* Wildwood Tarot Deck

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